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Plays Musical Tune

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star


The Keepsake Tooth Fairy Pillow

A Treasure for Years to Come

This little heart pillow, as sweet as can be,

Is to hang near the bed in the baby’s nursery.

Years later a cherished keepsake it will become,

A place for tiny teeth as they are lost, one by one.

During the night when your child is fast asleep,

The tooth fairy will visit and the tooth she will keep.

Inside the pocket where the tooth was once placed,

Will be a surprise that puts a smile on their face.

Then when their baby teeth are gone, tuck the pillow away,

To give as a keepsake for their child to also use one day.

Keepsake Tooth Fairy Pillow - Plays Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

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